Wodonga Council

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Percy brings fresh perspective on nature

1 Mar, 2024

Border artist Alison Percy newest exhibition, A Study in Nature, in now on exhibition in the Hallway Gallery at Hyphen on March 1.

The exhibition of new works reflects her continued exploration into the landscape and passion for colour and line.    

“The Australian High Country and its wildflowers truly fascinates me, and is the inspiration for this most recent work,” Alison said.

“I’ve been heading up onto the mountain at Falls Creek for over 40 years, and observing and documenting the incredibly unique landscape of the Bogong High Plains for the past 20 years. 

“Inspiration is endless, my initial focus was on the snow gums and how resilient they are in such a rugged, high altitude environment. 

“Over the past two summer seasons my focus is on wildflowers within the landscape. 

“They undergo an incredible transformation from the white blanket of snow to colour across the mountain, as far as the eye can see!”

Rather than painting “en plein air’ (in the open air) Alison has created these works back in the studio, using sketches and note-taking from her time in the landscape. 

This allowed her to respond to what she has seen, felt and remembered, pushing her interpretation of landscape further towards abstraction through expressive mark making. 

Alison started painting in her kitchen or dining room, anywhere there was space to get the paints out. 

However, as exhibiting increased, the need to leave things out led her to take over the 10x3m sunroom on the back of her home, it's a beautiful space looking out into the garden.

“A purpose built studio was designed years ago but I've settled into this space well and have enough room to create large scale paintings, so I can't see anything changing in the near future (although it would be nice to have an even larger space)!,” she said.

A Study In Nature is Alison’s 13th solo exhibition since her first in 2015. She has also exhibited in more than 50 group exhibitions.  

A Study in Nature by Alison Percy will run to Tuesday, April 30.


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