Wodonga Council

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Children design new playground

23 Aug, 2022

Top five choices included in playground plans

Local children have chosen the play equipment that will be included in a second stage playground expansion planned for Wodonga’s Belvoir Park.

The new playground will have two flying foxes and a “ninja warrior” adventure obstacle course that has a smartphone app so people can time themselves, their friends and family and try to make it to a top 20 leaderboard.

Work on the playground will start mid-September and is expected to be completed by April 2023.

Wodonga Council asked the community what they wanted to see in the new playground for six to 14-year-olds, and heard from 252 children, young people, carers and park users.

The top five most popular pieces of equipment were:

1. Flying fox;
2. Adventure obstacle “ninja warrior” course;
3. Dual slide tower and multi-combo unit;
4. Rock climbing; and,
5. Climbing frame

Wodonga Deputy Mayor Graeme Simpfendorfer said all of the top five choices would be included.

“Wodonga children chose the flying fox as their most wanted piece of play equipment so we’re going to give them a double flying fox for twice as much fun,” he said.

“Thank you to everyone who had their say, special thanks to students and teachers at Victory Lutheran College and St Augustine's Primary School for their significant input and enthusiasm.”

The playground will also include:

  • An all-abilities carousel that can fit two wheelchairs;
  • A rope “snake swing” that up to six children can ride at once;
  • A 4-metre high twisted slide and a second, smaller slide for young children;
  • A 7.3-metre climbing tower with platforms and peep holes;
  • A 3-metre climbing boulder; and,
  • A new covered, wheelchair accessible shelter with picnic tables and a three-burner barbecue;
  • A drinking fountain;
  • Basket swing; and,
  • A low, see-through fence between the new playground and the lake to help keep young children safe

Cr Simpfendorfer said the existing playground at Belvoir Park would remain so that more children of all ages can have more fun.

“We heard clearly the connection people have with Belvoir Park and their love for this wonderful open space, so it was terrific to be able to deliver the new playground as designed by the people who'll use it - the city's children and their families,” he said.

How did people have their say?

  • Using a map and stickers to choose their five top playground equipment pieces from a list of suggestions
  • Online at makewodongayours.com.au
  • In face-to-face chats at two pop ups in Belvoir Park, on a Wednesday after school and on a Saturday morning
  • Find out more at makewodongayours.com.au

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